National Solid Waste Plan of Brazil


Brazil Govern





Waste Management


The revision of the National Solid Waste Plan points, more specifically: Incorporate into the planning those advances, as well as new factors that are identified and that have had an impact on the implementation of the policy after 2010, reflecting in the national strategy of its application.

  • Define priority areas of action for the adequate environmental management of solid waste, guiding the actions of the public, private and civil society sectors.
  • Define the proposal of goals and guidelines that agree with the current reality. The objective of the project is to prepare technical documents to subsidize the revision process of the National Solid Waste Plan.

Complementary and subsidiary to the review, the data included in the diagnosis of the current Plan will be updated, through compilation, systematization and treatment, thus completing historical series until the last year in which the data have been produced and are available.



  • Survey and Organization of Data For the preparation of the Panorama.
  • Diagnosis of Solid Waste,
  • Planning and Management of Solid Waste Brazil.
  • Projections and Scenarios.
  • Study of investment needs, costs of municipal management of solid waste and avoided costs with adequate environmental management.
  • Priority Axes, Indicators,
  • Targets and Programs. Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Plan. Consolidated version of the National Solid Waste Plan Minute.
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